Property Priced for 8% return
For Sale
Company Details
Inspection Times
Property Information
- Land area approx 784sqm
- Floor area approx 141sqm
Property Features
- Air Conditioning
- Balcony
- Built In Wardrobes
- Car Parking - Surface
- Carports 1
- Close to Schools
- Close to Transport
- Deck
- Dishwasher
- Floorboards
- Fully Fenced
- Openable Windows
- Shed
- Solar Panels
- Toilets 2
During the blueberry picking season and in the following months of B and B rentals this home has achieved a substantial income for its owner. Tax return available.
The four bedroom home has been fully furnished to accommodate 12 people comfortably and has done so for the past 6 harvesting seasons.
With a presence on a internet platform and with cleaning and maintenance routines established, this would be a very healthy investment.
Jean street is within walking distance of the city centre and with a regular bus service, it is convenient for seasonal workers.
(The granny flat is currently leased for $580 per fortnight, and is detached from the main home.)
Two living rooms, one with air-conditioning and the other with a combustion stove. Timber floors and high ceilings, each room has a ceiling fan, making this a home that comfortably accommodates a household of all sizes.
Location and Amenities
Nearby Government Schools
Narranga Public School, Tyalla Public School, Orara High School, Coffs Harbour Public School, Coffs Harbour High School, Coffs Harbour Senior College, Kororo Public School & Boambee Public SchoolNearby Private Schools
Coffs Coast Alesco School, St Augustine's Primary School, Aspect Macarthur School, Northern Rivers Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour Christian Community School - Junior Campus, Casuarina Steiner School, Lismore Diocese Online Education Centre, Bishop Druitt College & St John Paul CollegeContact Jennifer Bonfield for more information.