21/14 Cranbrook Avenue, Cremorne
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- Garages 1
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With views from almost every room, this light filled apartment comes fully equipped for modern living. Open plan living and dining flow through to a spacious balcony with spectacular district views. A gourmet kitchen with European appliances, designer bathroom, large bedrooms both with built-ins, security parking and storage cage.
Panoramic views from almost every room Spacious open plan living and dining Large gourmet Miele kitchen Spacious chic designer bathroom Two queen size bedrooms w/built-ins Secure parking and storage cage Close to shops, schools, CBD transport
Get to know Cremorne
Quietly nestled between Neutral Bay and Mosman, this beautiful part of Sydney is one of the lower north shore’s prized waterfront pockets and offers leafy water views over Middle Harbour and around to the city.
Location and Amenities
Nearby Government Schools
Neutral Bay Public School, Middle Harbour Public School, Mosman Public School, Mosman High School, Anzac Park Public School, Cammeray Public School, North Sydney Boys High School & Northbridge Public SchoolNearby Private Schools
SCECGS Redlands, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Cameragal Montessori School, Mosman Church of England Preparatory School, Queenwood Junior School, Wenona School, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School & St Mary's Catholic Primary SchoolContact Chris Jones for more information.