Property Partner | Head Of China Desk

Linda Wu

In a world that changes constantly and technology continues to change marketplaces, experience is an essential ingredient for success.

Trading Name
Augustine Pty Ltd; Licence No. 905494
Lower North Shore
Level 1, 3 Young Street,
Neutral Bay NSW 2089

Linda is the head of The Agency’s ‘China Desk’, offering assistance with translation, negotiation and campaign services to local, expatriate and overseas Chinese clients.

Well known in the local Chinese community, she speaks fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin, giving her an edge when negotiating a sale.

With more than 2 decades of experience in the north shore property market, and an expansive database of overseas contacts to draw from, qualifies Linda to execute multi-million dollar transactions for her clients.

Recognised in the Chinese community as an intelligent and savvy business-woman able to source qualified buyers, locally and internationally. Linda conscientiously nurtures existing client relationships while developing new connections throughout Hong Kong and the wider region.

With a reputation for honesty and integrity, Linda embraces the challenge to compete in Sydney’s north shore property market, as well as a property partner within the successful team at The Agency.

關於Linda Wu (鄔太)

Linda  (鄔太)是The Agency 地產代理公司的“華人服務團隊”主管,特別為本地以及海外華人客戶提供翻譯,議價和銷售物業服務方面的幫助。

Linda  (鄔太) 在本地華人圈子擁有良好信譽和口碑,她能說流利的英語,廣東話和普通話,使她在樓宇買賣,談判銷售方面具有優勢。

憑藉在雪梨北岸房地產買賣市場服務超過20年的工作經驗以及豐富的海外客戶群,Linda  (鄔太) 促成很多超過數百萬元的物業買賣。

Linda  (鄔太) 在雪梨華人社區中眾所周知是一個擁有強大市場觸覺的明智地產代理,能夠在本地和國際人際網絡上尋找合適的買家。她更認真培養現有的客戶關係,同時在香港和鄰近地區建立新的客戶群。

Linda  (鄔太) 以誠實和真心的物業銷售手法享譽業界,在雪梨北岸房地產市場的競爭中脫穎而出,並一直成為The Agency房地產銷售團隊中重要的合作夥伴。


Linda  (鄔太) 擅長於雪梨北岸房地產買賣。

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