22 Maidstone Street, Altona
Totally Tempting Dimensions.
For Sale
Company Details
Inspection Times
Property Information
- Land area approx 742sqm
Property Features
- Carports 1
While this three bedroom home's older style spaces remain serviceable today, the focus for this property is all about its allotment, its location and tomorrow's options for delivering an ideal location for the build of a new family home some 350m to Altona Beach, STCA.
Land size measuring 742m2 approx. proves deep front and rear gardens for the current day residence, desirably positioned for quick, convenient access to Altona Beach and Esplanade, Kooringal Golf Club's green expanses, Altona Primary School, Harrington Square and Westona station.
Options for earning a rental income or for adopting the location yourself and envisaging how to make the utmost of the location's evident lifestyle amenity ensure an enticing immediate future here, enhanced by a range of exciting opportunities for a longer term timeframe!
Location and Amenities
Nearby Government Schools
Altona Primary School, Altona P-9 College, Seaholme Primary School, Altona Meadows Primary School, Altona Green Primary School, Jennings Street School, Western Autistic School & Laverton P-12 CollegeNearby Private Schools
Mount St Joseph Girls' College, St Mary's School, Queen of Peace Primary School, St Martin de Porres School, St Leo the Great Primary School, Emmanuel College, Lumen Christi School & St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary SchoolContact William Pendlebury and Ryley Grech for more information.