First Time Offered
For Sale
Company Details
Inspection Times
Property Information
- Land area approx 85.09ha
- Council Rates $2466.08/year
Property Features
- Carports 3
- Garages 3
- Toilets 1
Offered for sale for the first time, 'Wonga' is a rare find. Comprising 85.09 hectares of cleared, arable country just 25 minutes drive north of Mudgee, you'll enjoy an abundance of space.
Situated well back from the road is a spacious and light filled five bedroom home in original but good condition an with a pleasant outlook from each room.
210 acres approx. with tar road frontage, 29km from Mudgee Five bedrooms, four with ceiling fans, one bathroom Tidy kitchen with electric cooking, breakfast bar and large walk in pantry/store room Dining room adjacent to the kitchen; gas heating point Generous lounge room enjoying good natural light Concrete verandah's four sides including a large open entertaining area Triple garage with three phase power connected, adjoining triple car port Covered shade house/entertaining area Various garden sheds, storage shed, bird aviaries and chicken run Established shade trees and garden beds around the house yard Rain water storage tank, unequipped well and bore, large spring fed dam, two intermittent creeks Areas suited to cultivation or grazing stock or an ideal recreation block Held by the same family for well over forty years
For further details or to arrange an inspection, please contact Damian Kearns of The Agency Mudgee on 0428 144 905
Note agents interest - property owned by relatives of the agent
Location and Amenities
Nearby Government Schools
Cudgegong Valley Public School, Mudgee High School & Mudgee Public SchoolNearby Private Schools
St Matthews Catholic SchoolContact Damian Kearns for more information.