Home in WA Episode 30 | The importance of conveyancers

Home in WA - Why conveyancers are essential


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In episode 30 of Home in WA, host Jon Williams sits down with Stacey Dragicevich from Landmark Settlements Australia to discuss what a conveyancer does and why they’re essential to the home buying and selling process.


Home in WA has now wrapped up for the year. We hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for tuning in! 


Interview with Stacey Dragicevich from Landmark Settlements Australia


Buying or selling your home can be a complicated process, and getting the right team on board can help make a stressful time just a little bit easier. 


Once you've selected your property partner to assist with the sale of your home, or even if you're buying a home, you'll need to nominate a settlement agent, also known as a conveyancer, to act on your behalf. 

That's where the highly experienced team at Landmark Settlements comes in. To find out more about the services they provide, host Jon Wiliams caught up with Stacey Dragicevich from Landmark Settlements.


Jon Williams: Stacey, can you tell our viewers what exactly the settlement agent does?


Stacey Dragicevich: Although the settlement process can be complex, the main role of a settlement agent is to transfer the ownership of a property from seller to buyer. A settlement agent acts as a go-between with real estate agents, bank brokers and various different government departments. They make sure that everyone is on the same page and has what they need to meet the conditions of your contract and see the transaction through to settlement.


Jon Williams: So how important is it to get a team like Landmark Settlements on your site?


Stacey Dragicevich: Buying and selling a house can be really stressful time in your life. It's imperative that you have a team around you to help you navigate this. Our team at Landmark Settlements has been around for almost 20 years. Our conveyancers are highly experienced and knowledgeable. They can help you with any issue that may arise, from the time that you join them until the time your property settles. You can even give them a call afterwards.


The exchange of legal title or ownership of a property is perhaps the most important part of buying or selling any home. It goes without saying, then, that choosing the right team is crucial. To find out more about landmark settlements go to landmarksettlements.com.au


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