Best of the West: Chris Minutillo

Congrats to Chris Minutillo, who’s showing the world cerebral palsy won’t hold him back!

Huge congrats to Chris Minutillo, our latest Best of the West! Minutillo will receive $5,000 to help continue his work fighting for disability inclusion in sport.


Best of the West is a celebration of Western Australia’s difference makers: those using their time, talent and treasure to make a difference in their WA communities. Tune in Sunday 14th December at 6pm during 9News to find out who will be the next Best of the West, or nominate someone yourself by following the link at the bottom of this page!

Who is Chris Minutillo?

25-year-old Chris Minutillo lives with cerebral palsy but doesn’t let that hold him back from what he loves most: soccer. Chris’ heart is with his beloved Cockburn City Football Club, one of the most inclusive clubs for disabled football in Western Australia, but his talent has taken him well beyond Cockburn.


There’s no way we could explain Chris’ accomplishments any better than Chris’ grandmother did in this nomination for him:


  • Motivation and a zest for life is inherent in 24-year-old Chris Minutillo, who has just recently earned a Silver Duke of Edinburgh International Award after completing the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure's Ultimate Challenge, with support from Rocky Bay's Wishing Tree.
  • Chris loves his sports, and excels at soccer in particular. He has played Associated Catholic College soccer and been part of WA's Paralympics side. In 2015 he obtained silver for Australia at the Special Olympic World Games in Los Angeles, and currently has his sights set on the 2022 National Games in Launceston.
  • A long-time Rocky Bay customer, Chris started his Duke of Edinburgh journey a few years ago. The Duke of Edinburgh (DoE) Award is a structured and fully inclusive youth development program that empowers young people aged 14 to 24 to explore their potential and find their passion and purpose.


Currently, Chris and his family are lobbying for global disability inclusion, hoping to bring the 2027 Special Olympic World Games to Perth. Chris says the $5,000 prize money will help him in those efforts.  He also plans to donate some of the funds to his football club as a way to help the league, club and fellow teammates reach their goals.  


We want to extend a heartfelt congrats to Chris, as well as the other deserving individuals and organisations nominated. If you nominated someone and they weren’t chosen, don’t worry; they’ll remain in the running throughout the duration of this campaign.

Previous Winners

Help us choose the next Best of the West!

Do you know someone as deserving as Chris? Then we want to hear from you! 


Maybe it’s the:

  • Parent who hosts a children’s book club at the local library. 
  • Folks who work tirelessly at the local food bank. 
  • Group of children planting trees for a sustainable future.
  • Individual who is suffering from an illness, but still takes time to raise awareness and help others in a similar situation.


Whoever it is, you can nominate them by clicking here. Nominate as many individuals, organisations or community groups that you want. Just be sure to explain what makes them so special and why they deserve this award.

How to watch the Best of the West

We’ll announce the winners and tell their story on 9News at 6pm during the Sunday bulletin, every month from now until January. We’ll also feature them right here on this blog!


The next winner will be announced on Sunday 14 December.


What: Best of the West, Sponsored by The Agency and 9News

Where: 9News

When: Every 4th Sunday during 9News at 6pm 

Good luck to all our difference-makers out there. You’re all the Best of the West in our eyes!



Get in touch
If you have any questions or would just like to get in touch with a query, fill in the form and hit submit. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.